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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Who and What is Linda Nance? Just me.

I have so many things that I want to write and tell you about with my books.  I want to share what it took to make them something that I take pride in and hope are worth while,  I want to tell you about what it took to make the words and pages take form and become a book that you can hold in your hands.  I want to share me…and all that is me because what I write or paint or sculpt is me.  I was going to try to separate the business side of the blogs from the personal side.  I was going to separate the people side of what I have to share from the books…but the books are me…and my dreams… and from me.  It really is more than just a story in a book and a book to make a sale.  I hope each and everyone gets one of my books but I want more,  I want that book to be something special.  When they hold it in their hands and gaze at the cover I want them to have something special.  When they read it I want to touch them in some way.  I want them to be more than just a story in a book….Because of all this I will post things that I write, think, live and feel here as well as talk about writing and books.

  I do not know who and what I am.  I still think of myself as being what is needed by others because that is how I have lived my life but somewhere deep inside there is still a real live person who thinks, feels and is.  I want to find that person and be more.  Be more than just a story in a book, or what others need.  I want to find me.  This is me.

I talked to my friend today….

Life can sometimes seem to overwhelm.  Worry, stress, illness, and pain seem to fill the hours of the day.  If you add in heartbreak, disappointment, and betrayal it feels as if the weight of the world is pressing down.  What I find even more difficult is to see someone you love mistreated and betrayed.  What can we do?  I do not have the answers to all of life’s problems, but I have something I have found that has and is helping.  I turn to a friend that is far wiser than I.  I put it in his hands and we have a little talk and I feel the peace and hope promised.  I may not see my friend in flesh and blood…in person.  I see my friend in the wonderful things around me that we can forget to take the time to see.  I see my friend in the wonderful smiles and love of family and friends.  I see my friend in the kindness of strangers.  My friend touches lives in so many ways if we take the time to see and hear. 

I had a little talk with my friend and it sort of went like this.  Lord, please grant me your strength to do what you lead me to do, see what I need to see, understand as you would have me to know that I may live in truth and not lies, hope and not despair, light instead of the darkness that may fill the soul. Please give me the strength to stand strong and not waver in confrontations or hesitate to accept less than honesty and heart in life.  I do not have the answers to life so I trust my life to you, my friend, my Lord.

 Allow me the passion to paint the paths of life and I ask that you not only guide my brush but guide my footsteps in the path that you choose for me to take.  I want to paint the path of life.  I want to be able to create with words, paint, clay the beauty we need to see and the hope we need to feel.  I want to be able to find words thsat help others to not only read a good story but be able to feel emotion and see life.  I want to find words to touch the heart and soul.  I ask for help and guidance, strength and courage.   God grant me thy peace, love, forgiveness, healing touch and heart to see and hear and live your will.

My friend gives me the courage to go on another day and not give up.   Not Today, 

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